Miriam looks forward to welcoming you to the Northern Biodanza festival. She started doing Biodanza about 20 years ago. It has helped her explore the colours of her life. Biodanza has been a gateway to the things her soul has been searching for, especially when times have been hard. After qualifying as a facilitator in 2018, she ran a Biodanza group for a charity, providing access to people who were not normally able to join evening activities.
Miriam retired early from the corporate world and then worked for several years as an NHS administrator, providing information and patient support.
During and after lockdown, Miriam felt privileged to facilitate a Central London Biodanza group. And it was wonderful to bring Biodanza to many people.
It will be a great pleasure to dance with you at the Northern festival and maybe this is the opportunity to brighten up your life and dive deeper into what your soul needs.